Jul. 10th, 2009 | 02:31 pm

location: work
mood: bored bored
music: direct line hold music

I'll do a propper la/ax report later when I'm home, I'm just bored and chained to my desk on hold... so bored I want to pull my own face off and slap myself with it, just for something to do

So la was fun, we did the convention and saw loads of cool stuff
We also did beverley hills, rodeo drive, hollywood, universal studios, venice beach, little tokyo, chinatown and faced the masses of insane mj fans that were everywhere thanks to our hotel being next to the staples centre where his memorial was held, 
I mean I love mj, but some of his fans (and not so fans) went crazy, like the protesters that were saying la shouldn't be spending millions on policing the memorial...

Apart from that it was fun relaxing and hanging about with the buds, (even if alex tried to grt us shot) in his sketchy ass area he stayed in, he was ok tho with his drug lord/ gang connections

I didn't do anything for my birthday, with the flight and people generally feeling tired/ill ect, I didn't really feel like partying, thankyou to everyone for their lovely txts and messages and especialy to leena for the lovely card she made me, big hugs and squeeses!! We'll have to catch up soon and have cake!!

In other news I'm trying to sort out my website, its nothing special, just a place to find all the weird and wonderful things inside my head and maybe some photo galleries and bits
Just something to have my links on and a propper view of all my interests, 
I'm very reserved on LJ and never really post things that are that important to me, I'm hoping that I'll be able to be a bit more honest on there...

U used to be quite open and wore my heart on my sleeve, but somewhere along the line things changed and there are only a couple of people that I can really say know me well

I'll post a link when its finished but for the time being I think ambers lillypad will remain in progress

That's all for now I think, back to looking like I'm busy again I guess

...ho hum